Well, its official...Miss Addison Claire will be making her grand debut on December 29. We check in the hospital at 6 am and hopefully it won't take too long to meet her! At my apppointment yesterday, Addie weighed 6 pounds, 4 oz. I fully expect by the 29th for her to be almost 8 pounds, since they say babies gain almost a pound a week at the end. Its hard to believe that after all these months of excitement its finally time!
This will be my last pregnancy and I get a little sad thinking that I will never feel those little kicks and squirms again. But, its a feeling that you never forget and hopefully when I am old and gray will still remember how it felt to feel my babies kick in my tummy. We are so lucky that God has chosen us to be parents to Cole and Addie. We feel so blessed and our little family will be complete once Addie arrives.
I have two weeks to finish up the nursery, cleaning, and little odds and ends that I want done because I know once baby girl gets here, there will not be much time for things like that. Not to mention the remainder of my Christmas shopping! I am really happy with how her nursery is turning out. I can't wait to post some some pics. We are doing the vinyl wall art in her room. Although its been more time consuming than we anticipated, its really cool!
I will post a final pic soon...a 38 week belly bump!