Saturday, January 9, 2010

Happy New Year!

Ok, I am so behind on my blogs. I really don't have an excuse other than to say I was so lazy during my two weeks off for Christmas that I didn't do much on the computer! I am always happy and sad to see a new year...sad to say goodbye to a year full of memories but excited to see what the new year will bring to our family and friends. I can't believe how much Cole has changed in a year. I am sad to say that he has lost his "baby" look. But, I love the little boy he is hair, dimples, and a smile that melts my heart! Paul and I love this little man and he makes our world fun and complete. Did I mention how smart he is? He amazes us everyday with how much he is Mrs. Penny would say, "he is the best of both, smart and cute!"

I never make new year's resolutions because I don't keep them. But, I am inspired by a few, photography, and family. A special person gave me a cookbook for Christmas that incorporates all of the above. My cookbook, The Pioneer Woman, is AWESOME! The Pioneer Woman is a cook, photographer, and a stay at home you can imagine how unique this cookbook is. Her book has inspired me and I have enjoyed reading about her family as well as her recipes and amazing pictures!

My super cool hubby bought me Photoshop Elements 8 for Christmas...yay! Now, I will admit...I squealed when I opened that gift because I have wanted PSE for sooooo long! Paul was so happy because he was hoping for that reaction! I bought PSE for Dummies so I can read up on my new program and hopefully be able to use it soon. Its pretty complex, but I am determined to put that amazing program to use with my pictures! Paul and I want to take a photography class. Paul has wanted us to have a hobby together and I think we found it! He really has an eye for the perfect photo and we have the perfect little person to take lots of pictures of...stay tuned for some Cryer family photos :)

I love my family! I am so blessed to have been born into a wonderful family and marry into one too! My family inspires me. We hope to expand our little family soon. I think Cole will be a super cool "big brother". I would love a little girl (everyone think pink!), but two little boys will be precious! We do need lots of prayers because expanding the family hasn't been that easy. But, I know that's just gonna make our new baby even more special when they get here!

Happy New Year to all of you! I hope that God continues to bless you and your families as he has ours :)


  1. Wonderful post! You are very blessed and talented. Good New Year goals. I know you'll do well and I'm thinking PINK!

  2. PSE is an amazing program, but the learning curve is steep! I'm not one to sit down and read a manual, but I've been amazed at how much I've taught myself through internet tutorials and blogs! There are some really talented people out there who are willing to give away their secrets, time and products for free. Of course, Pioneer Woman has some great photograpy tutorials, and when you get a little familiar with PSE, check out this website: She's got some AWESOME free stuff!

  3. A little late, but Happy New Year to your family! Y'all are in my prayers as you try to "expand" your family! Your little boy is so adorable and I enjoy all the pictures watching him grow into a little man. May 2010 be a wonderful year for your family. God bless=)

